Yellow Fever

"Call down the girl from the mud-slicked mountains, pluck the evidence

of August from her head of shorn kelp. This caterwauling girl, less

man than animal. Cheeks smeared wild from the chokeberries she

picked, brambles at the river’s lip too giving. Doesn’t she know the

stained hand of generosity, never to trust it? Nothing is free. China

doll. Baby. Some men want you prim on their knee: lips bite red. The

coal hue of your eyes irrefutable. You were never meant to be

American. Your root, they believe they can taste: carnal amen, rice

milk and spice. A winter sunrise fogged in the land of morning calm.

All imagined, but no matter. You are still a girl. With luck, the guilty

ones will wait awhile. When the first blood releases between your

thighs, they’ll come. You were born knowing to mourn this."

-Excerpt from "Some are Always Hungry" by Jihyun Yun

read the rest of her book!!!!! it's so good.......


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