on darkness

In the service of mirrors

srorrim fo ecivres eht nI

In the service of night 

In the service of silence

In the service of crossroads

In the service of unknowing

In the service of mourning

In the service of lament

In the service of secrets

In the service of lovers

In the service of solitude

In the service of crevices

In the service of wholeness

In the service of unease

In the service of jewels

In the service of the dancing

In the service of the blind

In the service of the sorrowful

In the service of power

In the service of will

In the service of magic

In the service of alchemy

In the service of history

In the service of chaos

In the service of filament

In the service of suction 

In the service of the void

In the service of memory

In the service of majesty

In the service of stowaways

In the service of wonders

In the service of changes

In the service of absence

In the service of 

    e serv      of


I               vi



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